Online Tests

This Online Test Series contains objective and subjective topic tests prepared by our expert teachers to enhance and sharpen the curriculum learning of KCSE Chemistry, Physics and Biology students. Online assessment facilitates quick and clear reports on candidate results and progress. This makes it easier to give useful feedback to candidates on how they are doing, areas where they are strong and what areas of learning require attention.

Gone are the days when we used to wait for days after taking the test for the results. Now, online tests not just save your commuting time, but also cut down your waiting time for the results. Online Tutor platform gives instant feedback and evaluation right after the test. This helps students to identify the gaps in their revision and start rectifying them.

Students can take an online test from the comfort of their home at their convenient time.

Technology has made it possible to keep your important documents saved and confidential in your account for future reference.

Since these tests focus on evaluating the preparedness of the candidates, the answers are evaluated based on the performance of the student. The results come out with a percentage score and a corresponding grade based on standard KNEC scores.

To take an online mock test, all you need to do is just log in with a username and a password. eLearning has made the entire process easier; for instance, these tests automatically grade students, hence saving examiners’ time and effort, and test papers can be accessed from any device (PC, tablet, or smartphone).