Online Tutors is a registered social enterprise firm, pioneering online and offline tutoring in Kenya. For the past 4 years, we have been providing quality online and offline digital classroom services in addition to individual and collective tutoring to students in and out of schools.
In addition, we have been supporting teachers and schools with customized and ready to use classroom tools- a blend of ready-to-use demonstrations, summarized notes, video lessons, experiments, illustrations, puzzles, analogies, lessons, activities, and strategies.
Online Tutors works with a team of subject experts who are active or retired classroom teachers and examiners in the development of content. Most of these teachers are also examiners with the Kenya National Examinations Council. This ensures that the products and services developed are carefully designed and professionally produced.
During the last year, we have been piloting the approved Digital Learning Platform resources with a number of students with low access to Teaching, Learning and Assessment resources and have seen dramatic improvements in academic attainments.

Our Values
“To become the leading developer and provider of e-learning solutions in Kenya and beyond, respected for both innovativeness and integrity”.
“Our mission is to provide world-class Digital tutoring and high-quality content to students around”.
To achieve its corporate Vision and Mission, ONLINE TUTORS will always aim to uphold the following sets of core values while dealing with our clientele.
Professionalism – We will always engage the services of professional and qualified personnel to develop e-learning materials and solutions and to impart knowledge.
Innovativeness – We will always be keen at analyzing the goings-on in the education sub-sector and developing innovative solutions to the challenges faced by both students and teachers in the learning process.
Integrity and honesty – We will always approach our work with utmost integrity and honesty. We will acknowledge responsibility when things go wrong and take steps to remedy such situations.
Passion – We shall demonstrate passion in the work that we do.
Responsibility – At all times, we shall take utmost care and responsibility in the work that we do.